i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?Anybody encounter problems with it?
i can't seem to post my replies. ):soooo, i'll reply here!
Xuan: hey babe, i bought it via
a Candy spree on _spreee.livejournal.com!
I want my candieeeees. :D
Pauline: HAH! Damn stupid right. Simpsonize.
Btw, I think it's internet Explorer that caused that.
i've a friend who has the same problem as me. ):
I can't believe i'm blogging for 2 consecutive days!
I'm Super pissed! SUPER!
Came home tday &went th my blog.
And found that my blog is all messed up!
It's not even the damn html problem can.
So, thinking that changing a new blogskin would help,
i spent 4hours, searching, editing
and finishing off this new blogskin.
BUT! In the end it's still the same problem.
Damn Internet Explorer!
Look how my blog looks like when i view
with Firefox instead:
(Click t Enlarge, Babes.)
Internet Explorer is so fucked up!
That's why i hardly use IE.
So darlings, Please go to this website,
I can't believe i'm actually doing this,
but IE is so pissing me off!
And oh yeah,
This is something i've forgotten t blog about,
Last week when i'm at my boy's place,
I was like, huuuuuungry.
&i made him cook up something for me.
I wanted t eat his sweet spaghetti
that he cooked for me like, 2000years ago.
But he ran out of pasta.
Then he said he'll cook fried rice for me,
&MR-SMARTY-PANTS went t use
CORNED BEEF for his fried rice.
And initially he added like, just abit of corned beef,
and i told him, "Darling put more lah, put so little feed who?"
Then he added the whole entire bowl of corned beef in.
And i came out horrible, heh.
It looks like Dogfood, it taste even woooorst.
In the end, he drove us t mac
and bought ourselves mac instead.

&tday i went t watch Disturbia with Tania. :D
She's my Dog-Grooming-SchoolMate.
Disturbia is niceeeee!
Go &watch it please.
Then after movie, we went t toooooown.
&had subway.
AND i made a huge, huge, HUGE DISCOVERY!
Tania only love Meatball Mararina
with Honeyoat &Honey Mustard!
We've like totally the saaaaame taste! :D
&Mind you, most of my friends gives me th eeeky face
when i order No. 7 at Subway.
heh, so it's a greeeeat discovery okay!
So we shared a FootLong Sandwich.
Then we went shopping,
&she bought like braaaaaaas &a Forever21 tube.
Whereas i just bought a Plain Blue spag top from F21
&another can of Hairspray.

With that big, fat, reddish zit on my cheeks.
& i went running with Yq yesterday night.
And yes i know i look horrible after running,
without makeup, hair looking like helmet,
looking pale instead of rosy,
With those little ugly blemishes caused by my periooood.
Like, daaaaamn.

I always feel super sleepy after running.

Thus that fucked-up face.
So don't mind me. Heh.
So after that we went t hougang mall t return/borrow books.
I'm a total bookworm!
Then mac for fries
&i bumped into an old friend i knew from camp!
I was like, "Ooooooomg, so happy!"
Cos it's always leon who bump into his
Pri sch/Sec sch/NYP/Army friends
&i never ever get to bump into ANY friends!
So unfaaaaair. *pouts*
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